Definition of Corporate Entrepreneurship Corporate entrepreneurship is the process of creating new business ventures or promoting innovation and change within an established organization. It involves developing and implementing new ideas, products, or services within the framework of an existing company, and it requires a combination of entrepreneurial thinking and corporate resources and capabilities. Model corporate entrepreneurship – The Opportunist The Corporate Entrepreneurship Model –
Strategic management is a process that involves the analysis, formulation, and implementation of strategies to help organizations achieve their objectives. It is a critical function that guides the direction and success of an organization in the long run. This article will provide an overview of strategic management, including its importance, process, and key elements. Importance of Strategic Management Strategic management is crucial for organizations
Career Development : Karyawan yang dipekerjakan oleh perusahaan, baik internal maupun eksternal, tertarik untuk mengembangkan diri untuk membantu perusahaan atau organisasi mencapai tujuan dan sasarannya. Oleh karena itu, Manajer yang baik mendengarkan aspirasi kolaborator, bertindak sebagai pelatih (instruktur), membantu mereka mengidentifikasi potensi dan area untuk berkembang, dan memberikan umpan balik tentang kinerja masing-masing pekerjaan. Manajer yang baik juga memastikan bahwa karyawan mereka dilatih dan